Student Stories


December 17th, 2022

The term mental health: the World Health Organization (WHO) defined mental health as a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his potential, can cope with normal life stress, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to contribute to society (WHO; 2001). According to the definition of the World Health Organization, "Health represents complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not only the absence of disease and infirmity." Good mental health does not mean the absence of unpleasant emotions such as anger, sadness and the like, since we all sometimes encounter various difficulties and stressors, but it allows us to successfully deal with these emotions using our resources. Positive mental health includes: feeling good about yourself, awareness of one's feelings and acceptance of feelings the ability to change, adapt and cope with difficulties and stress engaging in productive activities that help us develop and grow the ability to create and maintain friendships and good interpersonal relationships

Changes that can be noticed in a person with difficulties in the field of mental health: Changes in behavior - changes from the usual way of functioning such as withdrawal from social contact, changes in sleeping habits, not attending classes, not meeting deadlines, changes in eating habits, increased use of tobacco, alcohol or drugs, chaotic and unpredictable behavior. Changes in appearance – weight change, looking pale, tired or worried, feeling like the person is not taking care of themselves, looking neglected, unkempt or neglected. Emotional changes – mood swings, tearfulness or irritability, hypersensitivity, periods of elation, feelings of despair and hopelessness. Cognitive changes – persistent negative thinking, difficulty concentrating, difficulty following conversations, disorganized thinking, delusions or hallucinations, loss of reality, thoughts of self-harm. Children and young people, just like adults, have mental health difficulties. According to data from the World Health Organization, 1 out of 5 children and adolescents in the world has a mental disorder or problem, and only 1 out of 5 of them receive appropriate help. The most common mental health problems in children and young people are depression, anxiety and substance abuse.


Studying, like any other period of life, brings with it a number of challenges and potential difficulties. Enrolling and starting studies is a change in the life of a young person. From the "protected" environment of high school, known professors and classmates, young people suddenly find themselves among unknown colleagues who came from different regions, faced with new obligations, unknown professors, a new way of working, living. Study enrollment is the first challenge for future students. While in high school they were probably among the best in their class, only the best came to college through selection, and it is not easy to compare with them. During the studies, the competition becomes much more serious and difficult, which can lead a certain number of students to doubt their own abilities. Young people often wonder if they have enough intellectual abilities to successfully master academic material. In most cases, the answer is: INTELLECTUAL ABILITIES ARE COMPLETELY SUFFICIENT! Research has shown that there is a strong connection between success in elementary school and intelligence, but after that it is no longer possible to predict the success of individuals based on intelligence. Emotional difficulties faced by students are most often associated with: learning difficulties, lack of knowledge of learning techniques, poor organization of time, problems adjusting to studies, lack of motivation to study, discouragement, doubts about the correct choice of study, test anxiety, problems in relationships with family, friends or partner, unsatisfactory relationships with people, communication difficulties, social maladjustment, loneliness, low self-esteem and confidence, anxiety , depression, suicidal thoughts, bad habits (addiction to alcohol, drugs). Of course, everyone has their own pain the most difficult, and the fact that in a few years we will not see these problems as such, does not diminish their current size, nor their importance. Studying can be extremely stressful and, if we don't recognize when it's time to hit the brakes and think about our own mental health, we can cause serious problems that will manifest themselves later. It can be a complete loss of will to engage in the work for which we are trained, leaving college in the middle or near the end of studies due to feelings of exhaustion and listlessness, procrastination and animosity towards things that once gave us pleasure. Also, neglecting mental health for the sake of good grades and expectations can lead to deeper problems such as the appearance of anxiety and/or depression due to "failure", and all these psychological consequences can be reflected in a physical way by sudden weight loss or obesity, skin problems, etc. So - mental health is not "just something that happens in our head", but a serious thing that significantly affects the quality of our life, because thanks to what happens in our head, we create the physical world in which we live. That's why the last thing we want is to be bad company. Here are five things you can do to make your studies easier and to keep your mental health during your studies: Don't let others plan your plans Leave the book when you see it's not going well Don't neglect your hobby, training, friends and family Don't wait for "5 to 12" to start Talk to a psychologist Out of these five items, I would single out going to a psychologist as a very important item. I can do it myself is the name of the fifth killer of mental health and, although he is the last in this series, he is not at all naive. You probably can, but why would you if you're entitled to help? Stress is a common thing during studies, but you shouldn't give it too much space to build up because it can be merciless when it gets going. Some of us are extroverts, some are introverts, some have more freedom to talk about their problems, and some don't. It is important that we know that we have someone to turn to. Talk to an expert when you're having a hard time, it doesn't cost you anything. There is no "stupid" reason to see a psychologist. The fact that you don't feel well is reason enough to talk to someone who has been trained for this. A psychologist is not a bogeyman, but a human being whose job it is to help us get back on track. Studies are a life journey that forces us to mature, to complement and change our attitudes, to grow in every sense and form as whole personalities who qualify to do what they love or what will be their profession tomorrow. However, none of us is a number in the index, nor an average on the student service, and it is important that, when we go to bed after the exam, we feel pride for all that we are, not fear or panic for what we have yet to achieve. And rest is an art. Relax and enjoy!


Considering the concepts of health, mental health and mental health problems
among students, we can come to the conclusion that it is a connection that is complex and very interesting. A mentally healthy person is satisfied, lives happily and has the feeling that he is successfully using his potential and achieving his goals. However, research has shown that in every fifth young adult, mental health problems can be observed, which appear in the form of
anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, eating or behavioral disorders. During their studies, students are faced with stressful situations almost every day, which in young people who cannot successfully cope with all challenges can cause emotional or behavioral problems that have harmful consequences on physical and mental health. Less anxious students are most likely to describe their study experience as pleasant, while anxious students will describe their studies as less pleasant due to accompanying unpleasant physical and cognitive symptoms. The support of friends and other important people in a student's life proved to be an important protective factor, while family support has the strongest protective effects. Despite the fact that the student period is very demanding and requires a lot of sacrifice, students are generally happy and satisfied with their lives. Less anxious students are most likely to describe their study experience as pleasant, while anxious students will describe their studies as less pleasant due to accompanying unpleasant physical and cognitive symptoms. The support of friends and other important people in a student's life proved to be an important protective factor, while family support has the strongest protective effects. Despite the fact that the student period is very demanding and requires a lot of sacrifice, students are generally happy and satisfied with their lives. Less anxious students are most likely to describe their study experience as pleasant, while anxious students will describe their studies as less pleasant due to accompanying unpleasant physical and cognitive symptoms. The support of friends and other important people in a student's life proved to be an important protective factor, while family support has the strongest protective effects. Despite the fact that the student period is very demanding and requires a lot of sacrifice, students are generally happy and satisfied with their lives.

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